Sunday, May 10, 2009

Where's my personal chef?

Recently I came across a new site - I feel naughty just looking at these photos. But I'm pretty sure I just genuinely love looking at this site.

Today I began looking at these photos and the food looks so delicious. (Start and stop drooling...periodically)

Then I thought, where's MY own personal chef? I love watching Food Network shows like Giada at Home, Ask Aida and others. Sometimes I just want to sit back and have that delicious food ready for me when I get home from work. No need to think about what's for dinner. No need to worry about having to clean up dishes before cooking dinner or cleaning up afterwords. Days like today, where I'm just exhausted - from doing nothing - even though my day job keeps me busy and focused. Today I'm just incredibly exhausted. I think I'm coming down with something - I've been coughing a lot more than usual throughout the day. Just completely drained.

On the other hand, I'm kinda like, God, what I wouldn't give to learn how to do incredible stuff like that. I mean, yeah, I can cook, but sometimes the laziness gets the better of me. In order to REALLY cook, I have to be inspired. Too bad that hasn't happened for a while. It just may be that I have to get the house in order. In the meantime, I'll just look at all this food porn and dream :)
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