Wednesday, March 3, 2010

More interested in Earth's axis than Chile's earthquake victims, who have been shunned by celebrities and media |

I found this article quite interesting, seeing that Chile is close to my heart. My husband's family (dad's side & my hubby's mom's sister) live in Chile. For some reason I care more about the damage in Chile than I did Haiti. I promise I'm not heartless for those in Haiti.

More interested in Earth's axis than Chile's earthquake victims, who have been shunned by celebrities and media |

In regards to the article, I can understand that the media probably wouldn't show as much damage as was shown for Haiti, but c'mon, damage is damage, whether it was a 7.0 quake or an 8.8 quake. Yes, more damage was done in Haiti because structurally, Haiti isn't prepared for these types of catastrophes and Chile's more developed than Haiti. Yes, more damage was done and people killed in a shorter amount of time. But just because it's a bigger country doesn't mean that you have to do as little coverage as there has been!

AND in the long run, does it REALLY matter that the Earth's axis shifted a whopping 3 inches and that the days are going to be shorter by a fraction of a second? REALLY, does all that matter with all of the devastation is said and done? C'mon people, get real!


Tyffanie said...

What a bummer that so little has been raised in for Chile. This makes me quite sad. These people are in need just as Haiti. Yes, we were better prepared, thankfully. But the destruction in the coastal and southern regions is terrible.

My husband and I are trying to raise money in the US by selling his photography. I put up a blog post about it here:
If you are interested, please forward it on to friends and family.

I hope your husband's family is all ok. We had some strong (and scary) aftershocks yesterday.


Andrea said...

I thought the same thing. It's only a matter of seconds that the day shortened. Now if it were 2 or 3 hours I could understand the reports on it. But it was a huge earthquake, it deserves help and coverage. Maybe if it had come before Haiti it would have had more coverage.

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