Thursday, February 25, 2010

Tonight’s gonna be a good night..

I never would have thought that tonight was the night…but as of TONIGHT, I have OFFICIALLY lost 60 lbs, exactly!!!  I totally wasn’t expecting it and I hadn’t been purposely trying to reach this particular goal this week.  I was just minding my own business, maintaining, eating all sorts of yummy ice cream, cheesecake, chips and candy I don’t normally have, and somehow I lost 2.6 pounds this week!   Yep, that’s pretty awesome;  I’m sure some of you will be glaring at me, but hey, some deviation is good once in a while!  This week I’ll be back on track, eating healthy foods and the like. 

I’ve really gotten to like homemade candied walnuts; the only downside is that I haven’t had success in making my own!  I have a friend who makes some amazing candied walnuts…I’ll definitely share the recipe when it turns out well for me.  In the meantime, I’ll be dreaming of what those taste like in my mouth…YUM!

Heading to bed now…haven’t been feeling too well the last day or so.  Seriously, if you’re sick, stay at home!!  Don’t spread your nasty germs at work and get the rest of us healthy people sick!

1 comment:

arista said...

I'm looking forward to learning how to make the candied walnuts. Congratulations on losing the weight!

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